Tag: Patrick A Schooley

The Harder Right

In an article she wrote in 2017, Vanessa Baird writes about how courage is what is needed to stand up for what is right. She also talks about some stories of courage, here a link to her article: https://newint.org/features/2017/03/01/the-brave Patrick A. Schooley

Courage for Graduates

Even if you’re far from graduation, these quotes can be helpful during the beginning of your next milestone. It takes Courage to face the world, but it’s not impossible. https://www.chronicle.com/article/On-CourageDifference-/139461 Patrick A. Schooley

The Courageous Woman

People often think that men are courageous people, but woman are also courageous. Many women have been courageous throughout history, read more about it here: https://www.feminist.com/resources/artspeech/genwom/celebrate.htm Patrick A. Schooley

Ash Beckham TED Talk

Ash Beckham talks about hardship and courage in her TED talk. She emphasizes that all people have been through some sort of hardship throughout their life. She wants people to have the courage to speak to their own hardship, listen to her TED talk here: TED Talk -Patrick A Schooley

Eman Mohammed TED Talk

Eman Mohammed is a female photojournalist, and she is often ignored by many of her male colleagues. In this TED talk, she speaks to the courage it takes to bring stories to light, click here to listen: TED Talk -Patrick A Schooley

Damon Davis TED Talk

Damon Davis is known for his TED talk about courage, in which he talked about having the courage to protest after a shooting in Missouri. If you are interested in his TED talk, here is a link to it: TED Talk -Patrick A Schooley

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